Join us at the store at 7pm on Saturday, February 15, 2025 for Other People’s Poems, featuring Cass Garison, Constance Hansen, and nanya jhingran.
Other People’s Poems is a poetry series centered on readers of other people’s poems. Sometimes these readers are writers too, but often they are also lovers of poetry who can’t get enough of those lines that evoke the sense of the exclamation O!. They are no-I’m-not-a-poets who secretly scribble their innermost thoughts in the most delicate of deckled journals. This series features these readers and the poems they love.
This series, hosted at Open Books, will consist of an open mic, in which any attendee can sign up to read 5 minutes of someone else’s poems, followed by a reading by our three featured readers.
At Other People's Poems events, there are low lights and snacks and always a reason to leave one’s winter depression pit, to warm the freeze one has acquired in many cities, and a reason to come together for the thing we love, which is reading, and poetry, and a hot cup of meaning.
Masks required.